Sesi Perkongsian bersama Switch di Switch World 2024: Pulau Pinang
Lawatan Panel Penasihat Industri (IAP) bagi Program CEEC708
Malam Pra Graduasi Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam, UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang
PROGRAM CANTAS GAGAL (Hydraulics-ECW241: Siri 1 Sem Mac-Ogos 2024)
Gerobok Rezeki UiTMCPP

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Date Update : 26 May 2024
By : Dr. Hazrina Binti Ahmad

Sesi Perkongsian bersama Switch di Switch World 2024: Pulau Pinang

Dua sesi perkongsian telah berlangsung pada 24 dan 26 Mei yang lalu hasil kolaborasi di antara Switch dan UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang di Plaza Gurney, Pulau Pinang dengan tajuk "Empowering ...
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Date Update : 23 May 2024
By : Ir. Dr. Ng Kok Shien

Lawatan Panel Penasihat Industri (IAP) bagi Program CEEC708

Satu lawatan panel penasihat industri (IAP) bagi program CEEC708 telah berlangsung pada 23 Mei 2024 (Khamis) di Bilik Mesyuarat HEA, Aras 1. Panel yang terlibat adalah Dato' Ir. Dr. Goh ...
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Date Update : 18 May 2024
By : Nur Shafieza Binti Azizan

Malam Pra Graduasi Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam, UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang

Class of 2024
🗓 18 Mei 2024 (Sabtu)
⏰ 8.30 - 10.30 malam
🏛 Hotel Ixora, Pulau Pinang
💃🏻🕺🏻: Melayu Tradisional

Date Update : 17 May 2024
By : Amalina Amirah Binti Abu Bakar

PROGRAM CANTAS GAGAL (Hydraulics-ECW241: Siri 1 Sem Mac-Ogos 2024)

Tarikh: 17 Mei 2024 (Jumaat)
Masa: 3-5.30 petang
Tempat: Dewan Kuliah Hotel B, Bangunan Hotel
Penceramah: Puan Amalina Amirah Abu Bakar dan Encik Amir Khomeiny Ruslan
Program Cantas Gagal ...
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Date Update : 16 May 2024
By : Nur Shafieza Binti Azizan

Gerobok Rezeki UiTMCPP

Pihak MASMED dan PKA UiTMCPP mengajak semua warga kampus dan alumni untuk sama² berkongsi rezeki barang-barang makanan/minuman dengan para pelajar UiTMCPP dan ditempatkan di Gerobok Rezeki UiTMCPP di Laman Perdana. ...
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Date Update : 16 May 2024
By : Ts. Dr. Mohd Samsudin Bin Abdul Hamid


Tarikh: 16 Mei 2024 (Khamis)
Masa: 9.00 pagi-5.00 petang
Tempat: Pengajian Kejuruteraan Awam, Tingkat 6, Blok Perdana
Senarai Panel Penasihat Industri PKA UiTMCPP:
i. Ir. Ts. Mohd Shahneezam Bin Abd ...
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Our Programme

Date Update : 14 Nov 2023
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Master in Construction Management (CEEC707)

Master in Construction Management (CEEC707) is a program that focuses on strengthening knowledge and skills in business management for the construction personnel. The program aims to produce construction entrepreneurs who ...
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Date Update : 14 Nov 2023
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Master of Science in Forensic Infrastructure Engineering (CEEC708)

Master of Science in Forensic Infrastructure Engineering (CEEC708) is a program that focuses on strengthening knowledge and improving the skills of investigating structural and infrastructure failure cases. In order to ...
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Date Update : 02 Jul 2023
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Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Civil (Infrastructure) (CEEC221)

The field of civil infra-structure systems builds an extend to the traditional civil engineering areas. Rather than focus on individual structural components or structures, civil engineering infrastructure systems emphasizes how ...
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Date Update : 09 Jul 2023
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (CEEC110)

Diploma in Civil Engineering (EC110) has been started in 1967. Along the years, the Diploma in Civil Engineering has been expanding to a wider scope of engineering programme which are, ...
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Student Testimonials

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Nur Raihan Sofiyah
Intake: September 2016 (EC221)

I am currently working as a planning engineer. I found many friends throughout my degree years in UiTM Penang. We built many sweet memories together along the way to finish our degree studies. The friendship lasted even until now, and we are enjoying our life as engineers. UiTM Penang brings many sweet and bitter memories that make me who I am today. I gained much valuable knowledge and experience, learned about life, got close to many kind-hearted lecturers, survived well throughout the hard years there, and many more. I will never forget the memories UiTM Penang has given me. Thank you all for the memories.

Intake: Sept 2018 - Oct 2021 (EC221)

My journey at School of Engineering, College of Engineering UiTM Pulau Pinang the past 3 years has been absolutely amazing and the college faculty and administration have supported me and my endeavours throughout. Along with academics, a lot of different activities on campus allowed me to polish my talents and have an overall development. There are various committees that allowed me the opportunity to connect with people and have good work experiences.

Siti Khadijah
Intake: Sept 2018 - Oct 2021 (EC221)

It has been a great experience for me to pursue my degree here in UiTM Pulau Pinang, specifically School of Civil Engineering. 3 years spent here has taught me and my colleagues a lot, especially in curriculum, co-curriculum and also soft skills. Apart of completing all academic needs and extra activities with the faculty and the campus, the memories and connections made in between are definitely priceless, which you will never get it twice.

Hafiz Izzuddin
Intake: March-August 2020 (EC221)

I am working as a Junior Test Engineer. There’s quite a lot but the best part of my experience during my degree at Penang, enrolled in EC221 was the learning environment, especially with the relationship with the lecturers that rather felt like family and made me who I am today.

Nur Hajar Ismail
Intake: Dec 2010- September 2013 (EC221)

Setting Goals Is The First Step To Ensure Imposibble Become Possible. Learning From The Best Is Significant To Improve Capability And Knowledge. Continous Personal Enhancement And Professional Development Is The Key To Positive Future. My Story Initiated In Uitmpp And I Am Proud Of It.

Khairul Ismail
Intake: October2019-February2020 (EC221)

I am currently working as a Product Engineer. I got a lot of knowledge from this program, not only in terms of theories but also in the outside field as well. It was an interesting experience and we have learned that the civil engineering field is very broad.